Why did I create this site? The answer is simple, marketing jargon has made it nearly impossible to determine how to speed up your internet. I came to this conclusion as I moved into my new house and began researching the best way to setup internet and WiFi. I hold multiple patents in networking, yet I still found it absurdly difficult to determine what setup was best for me.
Throughout my journey, I’ve learned much about options, troubleshooting, technologies, and products that go into determining what’s best for a given setup. It’s going to take me some time to write article after article explaining and comparing. In the meantime, if you find yourself needing some guidance immediately, I plan on offering personalized recommendations for a fee I have yet to set. If you are interested, please contact me.
If you have any specific questions you think I should address in a post, please contact me as well. I look forward to hearing from you, and I hope I am able to help people weed through the advertising and get the most access to internet.
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